The Allen Family Invests in the Future and Opportunities
When the Allen family drove past the gaping hole on the northeast end of campus each day early in construction, it wasn’t the size of the empty land that captured their attention, but the vision of abundant community that would soon occupy it. The buzz of activity was eagerly awaited affirmation that the decision to support the CHARGING forward campaign was a sound decision and one they were pleased to share with many other Providence Day families – families who also shared their vision of community.
“We stood there one afternoon and looked down into that gaping hole and I turned to Dallas and said, ‘It’s really happening,’” Monique smiles. “All of us as a community made this moment happen. It is moments like these that drive you to give.”
Dallas adds, “The way I look at it is: this building is a façade. It’s a beautiful façade, but it’s a façade. The learning opportunities that are going to be generated in that building, with all of its technological advancements and learning spaces, are the real benefit.”
Monique and Dallas agree that their investment in the CHARGING forward campaign is about more than their two sons, Austin ’18 and Justin ’22. It’s about the students who will also come after them.
“Giving future PDS students every possible educational opportunity is what really matters,” Dallas continues. “The new academic building will facilitate future learning so that even when the shininess wears off, the learning continues.”
Initially the Allens – who have an affinity for the sciences – had other plans for their donation to Providence Day. They considered expanding the Lower School science lab touch tank. Or perhaps even funding a new aquarium. They decided to just give and allow the school to decide where to allocate the donation.
It was at that point the school approached the Allens about the CHARGING forward campaign. The opportunity to develop the Providence Day community through the three investment priorities of CHARGING forward (capital, endowment, Annual Fund) excited them, so the Allens generously donated without hesitation.
“It was a natural decision for us,” says Monique, “I believe the spirit and culture of Providence Day inspires us to give what we are able to. We cannot be passive about giving. If we want ALL children at Providence Day to have opportunities, then we must create them.”
Dallas smiles at Monique and adds, “If you want returns, then you must invest in them.”
Dallas and Monique are the proud parents of Austin ’18 and Justin ’22.