The Brinley Family Gift Benefits Today and Tomorrow

To hear Charlie and Margot Brinley tell it, their decision to invest in the CHARGING forward campaign involved equal parts affirmation, clarification, and satisfaction. Affirmation of the community they love; clarification of what is important to their family; and satisfaction with the process. The result? An extremely thoughtful philanthropic gift they’re proud of.
Their path to this CHARGING forward gift took time, energy, and honest conversations with school leadership. In the early stages of the campaign, the Brinleys wanted to understand more about the possible impact of their gift before making a commitment. They took their time, consulting with the school in three different meetings over many months to decide just how they wanted to invest in the campaign.
“You felt like you were a part of a thoughtful, strategic conversation that was integral to the broader vision of the campaign,” explained Charlie. “In other words, you were given a front-row seat into what was going on at the school. That became an important element of our conversations.”
“I felt the process was so respectful, welcoming, and relaxed,” said Margot about the nature of these meetings, which she referred to as ‘very open conversations.’ “Both of us left those meetings feeling energized, hopeful, and proud of the direction of our school,” she added.
Through this process, the Brinleys, like many other investors, spent time identifying what they love most about the Providence Day community. The campaign, then, was viewed as an opportunity to collectively celebrate, preserve, and enhance these aspects for everyone’s current and future benefit.
For Margot, she values the strong bonds established between faculty, students and families. “I know the type of love and care that the faculty puts into the kids and their families,” she said. Her support of the campaign is a direct reflection of that family feel; what she considers the ‘bedrock’ of PD.
“The relationships with my friends and colleagues who work here, and my kids and their friends, are the most important thing.” Giving to the CHARGING forward campaign is her way of honoring those relationships.
Charlie appreciates what the campaign will do to support the school for the long-term. The outcome of the campaign creates what he calls “infrastructure flexibility and financial stability” — adaptable learning spaces that will transform the teaching and learning environment, combined with myriad options for the space previously taken up by the ‘West Wing.’
Further, he emphasizes that growing the endowment will be critical when other strategic priorities are identified or when another economic downturn happens. Giving to the CHARGING forward campaign is his way of positively impacting Providence Day’s future.
Finally, both Charlie and Margot believe the broader discussions surrounding the campaign have created opportunities for the school to check in with families and make sure Providence Day is expanding in ways that the parents feel good about. This strategy can ensure broad support for the $27 million comprehensive initiative.
“The way this campaign is ultimately going to be successful is if our entire community invests in it,” said Margot.
The Brinleys have helped generate positive momentum with their gift totaling $125,000 (which was augmented over the course of their conversations with the school). Of their total contribution, $100,000 was used to establish the Brinley Family Endowment, designed to support service learning programs, and particularly the Charger Gardens; $15,000 was used to support a Freedom School teaching endowment; and the remaining $10,000 was given in support of the Annual Fund.
The Brinley’s contribution exemplifies the level of thoughtfulness that so many members of the Providence Day community have displayed in contributing to the ongoing success of the CHARGING forward campaign.
“I think as a school community we have the resources — intellectually and many other ways — to make a difference in this world,” said Margot. “I hope this campaign sparks a sense of inspiration in each of us which results in a positive impact on the PDS community and beyond.”
Charlie and Margot are the proud parents of Will ’21, Reily ’23, and Cate ’26.
Margot has served the school in a variety of roles over the years, most recently as the new Lower School Counselor.